Lamelle products

Lamelle is a proudly South African brand that innovates and dedicates itself to finding solutions to Anti-ageing, Hyperpigmentation and problematic skin.

Their products are developed through a rigorous programme of research, review, meticulous production and constant improvement. But one of the core reasons Lamelle is able to do this stems from a deep understanding of how the body and the skin works, as well as a constant drive, to gain even more insight.

Lamelle is about to launch a new range of products, which will be available at IHA in the near future.  For more information Lamelle & if its suitable for your needs, chat to one of our expert therapists Carmen or Jocelyn.



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Overnight Oats

Prep + Cook Time: 10 min + overnight refrigerationServes: 2 (feel free to double or triple this recipe)Perfect for: Breakfast,...

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