Cutera Xeo Laser therapy

The Cutera Xeo Laser falls under the category of a long-pulsed laser complete with a wide range of attachments for skin tightening, hair removal, and skin rejuvenation. Cutera offers the flexibility to vary the laser requirements depending on the skin and hair colour, texture and depth of penetration.

The advanced technology behind the Cutera Xeo Laser ensures that apart from the targeted dermal layer, the overlaying and underlying regions remain cool and unaffected.
Features offered by Cutera include Laser Genesis, Cutera Intense Pulsed Light, Laser Hair Removal Therapy with Cutera Coolglide, and Laser Vein Therapy.

The Xeo enables us to tailor all treatments to your skin type and skin needs, addressing a wide range of aesthetic concerns.

Benefits if Cutera Xeo Treatment:

Acne and surgical scarring
Loose skin
Broken capillaries

It can make your skin healthier and more vibrant and improve blood circulation on the surface of the skin.

The laser procedure doesn’t require incisions and passes the most stringent safety requirements. With every session, there is a visible reduction in the amount of scarring and fine lines. Laser is a safe and effective method to undo the damage the skin accumulates over time.

Given the advanced technology that powers the treatment, the procedure can be done comfortably without the application of any anaesthetic agent.

Combine this treatment with a gentle fruit acid peel to give your skin a magnificent glow, get in touch with Nina for more information.



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